April Board Minutes
PID Board Meeting
April 22, 2019
In attendance: Kevin Prince, John Everitt, Marion Alford, Marti Morgan and Lori Voss
Meeting held at Clubhouse of Gardens of Manship, Flowood.
Meeting came to order at 6:06 p.m.
Financial Matters:
Bond refunding. We will table this project for now. As interest rates rise, this is less and less beneficial to us. We agreed to spend no more money on this.
Regarding coming to the end of the bond payments in eight or nine years, it was mentioned that some sort of assessment will need to continue under an “overlay” type of structure that would cover landscaping, electricity costs for lighting, and other maintenance needs of the boulevard. No steps will be taken at this time, but this will need to be addressed in the future.
John will work on a spreadsheet that will track budget allocations compared to actual spending which will help us set more accurate budgets going forward.
John raised the issue of unpaid assessments and whether we need to meet with the Rankin County Tax Assessor to see who owes money to the PID, specifically developers who own commercial lots. Note: if a developer deeds lots to the County, they become tax exempt. No further action taken on this issue.
After discussion, Lori motioned that we discontinue any further irrigation repair or maintenance. Marion seconded motion. Vote: 3 approve, 1 disapprove, 1 abstain.
Lighting: As we continue to work on poor lighting along the entire length of the boulevard:
We agreed we need to first concentrate on subdivision entrances. The lights at Deer Park entrance are completely out. Kevin will send a formal request in writing to the proper officials at Rankin County.
Kevin will get an updated quote from Entergy to add lighting to the entire west side. This will include a five-year contract with Entergy. It will at least give us reliable lighting along that side. As lights in the median go out and are replaced with electric lighting, we will need fewer and fewer of the west side lighting and hopefully by the time the five-year contract expires, the median lighting will be finished. The monthly electricity cost to light the west side is approximately $500.00.
There is a Work Order in at Rankin County to get sidewalk cracks fixed.
John motioned we pay up to $800.00 to have entire boulevard cleaned with street sweeping. Marti seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Kevin is waiting for second quote and if it doesn’t come in, he will give go-ahead to Sweeping Corporation of America who did the sweeping the last time.
There are two drainage issues along the boulevard, one at Deer Park and another at Turtle Ridge. Water is coming off some lots, running over sidewalks and puddling in street. This is leaving mud covering the sidewalks and large areas of standing water in the street. We will take pictures after the next rain in order to show County officials. We will request they look into this and add additional storm drains where necessary.
Marti suggested we consider installing speed bumps along the boulevard to slow traffic. Speeding is a problem. Kevin will talk to proper Rankin County officials regarding this.
Board Compensation:
John motioned the PID Board be compensated $500.00 per year per Board member from this year forward, with compensation amount being subject to review and change year to year. Kevin seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Marti Morgan declined receiving compensation.
Next meeting: July 15, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at Gardens of Manship clubhouse.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.